Arun Hall
Meadows Hall
Rother Hall
Mini Explorers
River View
Hall Booking Charges
Activities / Groups
Forthcoming Events
Staff & Trustees
Contact Us

Bridge Club

Open to all, new members welcome.  Some experience desirable

Tuesdays 1pm - 5pm  Contact: Mr Barrie Salmon - 01798 812692 / email barriesalmon@me.com


D.F.F Dance

Ballet, Tap, Modern & Acro lessons for children, teenagers & adults in specially adapted dance studio. 

David Morris Hall Contact: Caro Anderson on email: dffdance@hotmail.com


Downland Ensemble

A community orchestra for string and woodwind players of all ages.  Musical Director Peter Allwood.

Meet 1st & 3rd Saturday mornings.

Contact: Ros on 01798 875804 or email: downlandensemble@gmail.com


Encore Vocal Choir

Thursday evenings 6.30pm - 8pm

Contact: Kerri Chipper email: kerrichipper@yahoo.co.uk


Film Night - Cinemobile

Once a month on a large screen.  Up to date films. 

Monday evenings.  Contact: Kevin or Marilou on 01903 750235 or see Links for their website details


Fit for Good

Exercise sessions for older adults. Pre-booking essential.

2 classes - Wednesdays at  9.15am & 10.30am. 

Contact: 07793 569884 or email: pulboroughpt@gmail.com


Kickboxing - The Southern Kickboxing Academy

Fridays 7.30pm - 8.30pm  Contact: Tristan Woolven on 07983 532167 or email: Tristan.southernacademy@gmail.com


Life Drawing - Usually alternate Thursdays and Saturdays. £20, please bring your own drawing materials.

Contact Roy.  07713124210 / pulboroughlifedrawing@gmail.com or book online at www.rmlifemodel.com/book-online


Little Monkeys, Pulborough Toddler Group

Mother & Toddler group. Age 0-4 yrs.  Toys, tea/coffee and a chat. £1 per family per week recommended donation.

Fridays 10am - 11.30am.  Contact: Kirsty Warland at ksee999@aol.com or via their Facebook Page


Lunch Club - See Wednesday Lunch Club below for more details


Messy Church - Stories / Crafts / Fun / Games - all ages welcome 3pm - 5pm 2nd Saturday of each month

Contact: Andy 07552 751600 andytwilley@gmail.com


MIND (Recovery) - West Sussex MIND

Monthly meetings. 

First Wednesday of the month 12.30pm - 2.30pm Contact: Sarah Hughes email: sarah.hughes@westsussexmind.org


MINI EXPLORERS (Where BIG ADVENTURES Begin) For Children Aged 0-3 years

Brooks Room, Pulborough Village Hall, Swan View, Pulborough, RH20 2BF

T: 07445 185010  T: 07828 236756.  E: infor@miniexplorerspulborough.com



Increase mobility, stretch and strengthen, improve balance.  Flatten tummy, strengthen back, improve posture, loosen tight muscles.

Wednesdays 9.30am - 10.30am.  Fridays 9.30am - 10.30am.  Contact: Julie Regan on 07973 293585 or email: julieregancoaching@gmail.com


Pulborough Brooks Baptist Church

A New Church from an Established Tradition.  Take a fresh look at Church.

Sundays 10.30am.  Contact their office on: 01903 417162 or email: admin@pbbaptist.co.uk


Pulborough Garden Society

Meet once a month usually last Tuesday of month.  Spring/Summer shows & Garden Visits.

Contact: Sue Bulloch email: susan.bulloch@hotmail.com


Pulborough Parish Council

Office located on first floor. 

Open Monday - Friday mornings 9am-12.30pm.  Contact: Heather or Lisa on 01798 873532  or see Links for more info and their website


Pulborough Society

Exists to preserve and protect the village's heritage and environment.  7 lively and entertaining meetings per year.

Meet once a month.  Contact: Check out their website for more info www.pulboroughsociety.org


Sussex Youth Theatre

Love to act, sing or dance.  Age 6-18.  Make new friends, gain confidence, develop your talent.

Tuesdays 5.15pm, Term Time  Contact: Mitch Jenkins on 01903 602815 or 07788 497779  email: mitch@sussexyouththeatre.co.uk


UDance UK

High energy dance class for fun, coordination, fitness and confidence.

Thursdays - .Ages 3-7yrs 4.30pm - 5.15pm,  Ages 8 & Over 5.15pm - 6pm.

Contact: Kate Deacon on 07391 851826 or email: katedeacon7@gmail.com


Uniformed Groups

Brownies.  Mondays 5.45pm - 7.15pm - Contact:: Sue Batchelor  susan@thecorm.co.uk

Scouts.  Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm - Contact: gsl@1stpulborough.org.uk

Beavers. Fridays 5.15pm - 6.30pm - Contact: gsl@1stpulborough.org.uk

Cubs. Fridays 6.30pm - 8pm - Contact: gsl@1stpulborough.org.uk


Village Market

Local produce/crafts & cafe

Usually 4th Saturday of the month 9am - 12noon (except Sept & Dec) No market in August

Contact: Louise Kaiser louisemkaiser@hotmail.com


Wednesday Lunch Club

Social & recreational afternoon for those 55+.  Various activities including card games, gentle exercise, sing-a-longs etc.  Refreshments.

Lunch comprises homemade soup with roll, butter & cheese. homemade puddings followed by tea and coffee

Cost £5

Mini Bus if required.

Wednesdays 11-2pm.  Contact: Pippa Reid on 07465 255541 / email: pippa@pdcca.org.uk


Wellbeing / Games Cafe (run by Pulborough Brooks Baptist Church)

If you enjoy playing games and want a chat, then this is for you.  A relaxing afternoon with a variety of games on offer, chair exercises, friendship, spiritual reflection, plus tea cake and biscuits.

Thursday afternoons  Contact: Louise Twilley on 07952 251910 or Pulborough Brooks Baptist Church on 01798 813851


Yoga Classes - Mixed ability classes. 

Monday mornings 9.15am - 10.45am & Thursday evenings 6pm - 7.30pm  Contact: Gail Chandler on 01903 746450 or email: chandleryoga@hotmail.co.uk


NEW ** YOGA - Wednesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm, first class free (starting 09/10/24) - book via the App or contact Chanctonbury Leisure Centre on 01903 681220

NEW** ZUMBA - Wednesdays 6.00pm - 7.00pm, first class free (starting 09/10/24) - book via the App or contact Chanctonbury Leisure Centre on 01903 681220


In addition - more groups that regularly meet here are:


Folk Dancing - Sundays monthly during Autumn and Spring


Updated on: 8th October2024